I remember when I was a kid I always wanted a car that could change colors and I got one.. it’s alive today still. An old Majorette Pontiac. It doesn’t change color anymore but the memory of it going from dark green to “light/aqua” green is still very vivid. The car can still drive though and I am amazed at how well built the old Majorette cars were made 20 years ago when the production was still placed in France.
When I saw the price of this toy car I was a bit put off cause frankly.. why do you have to overcharge every single extra addition to a toy car. Soon I saw why there was such a price difference between regular Hot Wheels Cars and the Color Shifters; the build quality here is exceptional. The car looks and feels like it could go through a wall, you can see this merely by holding it cause it feels like it has extra weight to it.. the outer chassis is completely made of metal and there’s even a set of exhaust pipes on each side of the car that is near the doors which is made from metal and looks very cool. One of the best, if not the best HW cars I’ve seen in years.
The color changing has improved immensely since I was a kid. First off AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, the color stays! Meaning, if you change it into black the car will stay black until you change it back to the lighter color. Secondly, it doesn’t just switch from a lighter color to a darker; let’s say from light green to dark green. The color changing is completely obvious. It goes from green to black in the case of the Blvd.
Check out how Hot Wheels color shifters work
The shifting did not work that well with faucet water (maybe because it wasn’t that cold) so I resorted to using an ice pack from my freezer for a quick color change. This did wonders! Now my kid put’s it in the fridge and waits a bit until they change. Sometimes he leaves them inside for days, making me laugh every morning when I wake up for work and am trying to piece up a quick breakfast.
Since the price of this vehicle make it a practically one time deal for me I safely anticipated and avoided the usual trap. Only minutes after my kid saw the car change color he said: “I want another one!” To which I replied maybe later, when you save up money 🙂
And as a year or two passed of course he got a few others. First he made his grandma buy him a new Color Shifter…Â A mini Cooper that changes from yellow to green. I am not that impressed, firstly due to size (it’s very small) and secondly due to it not appearing that well built in comparison to the “Blvd. Bruiser. It lacks any detail in my opinion and is somewhat light weight.
But the other two he got… the ’67 Camaro my wife found (she calls them Color Changers btw 😀 )with really cool color shifting and an awesome Muscle Car design and the Mega Duty Pickup were complete home runs.
The Color Shifter Collection
And this is how they look when exposed to warm temperatures. As you can see the color change/shift is really cool.
The spots where the color doesn’t change are where the cars have gotten scratched over the last few years due to real play. As you can see, the green Bruiser that’s over a year and half old has it the worst but still runs as smooth as ever.
It is a really good toy, one that your kid will play for a long time and that you will get used to finding in the fridge 😉
Amazon has a bunch of them you can choose from and they also feature accessories like garages for them but I don’t know.. who needs them? The cars themselves are awesome and the playsets seem unnecessary.
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